including PD opportunities, climate change competition signup, free study of matter curriculum download, and more!
STEM education insights and resources for educators
A Newsletter for Educators
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We hope you enjoyed the first TERC Talks newsletter last month! TERC Talks is designed especially for educators like yourself, with special insights, valuable resources, and exciting professional development opportunities.
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Programs & Materials Highlights
Our forward-thinking and groundbreaking research projects often result in insightful and inspiring learning materials, many for free.
Innovate to Mitigate
What it is: Innovate to Mitigate challenges 8-12th grade students to submit ideas that will mitigate climate change by protecting biodiversity. The competition engages students in problem-based learning that has meaningful real-world impact. Students have a chance to earn public recognition and prizes!
How does the challenge work? Student teams submit a brief abstract describing their idea(s) for an innovation. After a crowdsourced discussion, they use feedback from peers to revise their idea, then develop and test a mitigation prototype. Finally, they submit a video and paper that make the case for how and why their innovation will reduce greenhouse gases. Winners are selected by a team of judges.
Takeaway: Teachers can help students develop skills that are crucialin scientific investigations and in life.
How TERC can help: The Inquiry Project provides sustained inquiry about the nature of matter for grades 3-5 to help students build scientific explanations about the world around them.
Fun STEM Fact!
The material with the highest melting point is tungsten. You would have to heat it to 3422°C before it began to melt.
PD Opportunities
Upcoming workshops, webinars, and research study opportunities for continuous growth.
October 17, 2023 Family-Focused Engineering: Harnessing Early Childhood Potential
Sign up nowfor this free interactive workshop where you will explore over a decade of NSF-funded research findings, discover ways to support early childhood engineering engagement, and access ready-to-use activities and resources in multiple languages, all while connecting engineering with families' everyday problem solving!
Launching September 27, 2023 A new web-based resource to support equitable mathematics teaching and learning in the elementary grades. The Forum will be a place for educators to reflect on and discuss equity, access, identity, and agency in the elementary mathematics classroom. View a preview conversation and join the mailing list to be notified when resources become available, events are announced, or blogs are published.
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